What is the Enable Ads option?
This option allows you to add an “(Advertisement)” label when sending emails that contain advertising information while creating a new collection group in the Dataspace Collection tab. By default, Dataspace does not include this advertisement label.
This feature can only be applied when collecting responses via email from MY panels registered in the dataspace.
How to Set Up Ads
If your email includes advertising information, select the Enable Ads option in the message-sending section when creating a new collection group.
When you enable this option, the message you send will include an unsubscribe link.
If a respondent uses the unsubscribe link to opt out, their decision will be updated in the Dataspace MY panel, and they will automatically be excluded from future recipient lists.
Why is advertising labeling necessary when collecting survey responses?
According to the Information and Communications Network Act, all emails containing advertising information for commercial purposes must include an advertisement label. Advertising information refers to any content that provides economic benefits to the sender, such as sales or promotional materials.
If a survey itself includes advertising information, or if a message encouraging participation contains such information, the subject line and the beginning of the message must include the label “(Advertisement)”. Failing to comply with this requirement may result in penalties.
When should advertising labeling be enabled?
You should enable ad labeling in the following situations:
When conducting surveys on product/service preference or satisfaction, particularly if comparisons with competitors or control groups are involved.
If rewards related to your company’s products or services are offered as compensation for survey participation.
If product sales or promotional content is included in emails or surveys.
However, if a preference/satisfaction survey about your company's products or services does not involve comparisons with competitors or control groups, or if the reward is unrelated to your company’s products/services, advertising labeling may not be required.
📌 Important Notes!
The standards for determining advertising information may vary depending on the context. For more detailed guidelines, refer to the [Information and Communications Network Act Guide for Prevention of Illegal Spam] on the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) website